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Our belief drives us to create innovative solutions to connect players, teams, and fans, so we can positively impact the esports community.

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Our First Impact: Esports Coaching

Coaching is a very manual process in the classroom.

You likely need to stand behind each player and assess them all individually. We think it can be done better.

We want to make your life simpler while at the same time improving your team's overall results. Game Lens gives coaches the ability to see all of their players screens simultaneously while also opening up an audio channel for your and your players so you can coach in real-time.

The Story of eGame Studio

We are huge fans of anything disrupting the education system to make things better for everyone and when esports started to become embedded into the daily lives of students, we noticed.

However, what was glaringly obvious to us is how inefficient the overall ecosystem is. Tools are being re-purposed and rebranded as "for esports" and come with a lot of unnecessary baggage, educators are left to figure out complex tools that aren't designed with them in mind, and coaches have become administrators - with no time to actually coach.

So we set out to disrupt esports in education so that coaches can get back to doing what they love, with tools that empower them to build teams that thrive.

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Game Lens Is A Game Changer For Esports Coaching

Easy to use software
Coach from anywhere
Team-based streaming
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